A Unique Health Literacy Experience

Please join the American Medical Writers Association Indiana Chapter for an evening of networking and education

A Unique Health Literacy Experience – Creating Patient Handouts for a South African Clinic”, presented by Diana L. Fisher, MS, MPH, CPH. 

December 15, 2016 from 6:15 – 8 p.m.

Tavern on South

423 W. South Street, Indianapolis, IN 46225

We look forward to seeing you!  Feel free to invite others who are interested in attending this educational event.  All AMWA members and nonmembers are welcome to attend this event.  

Please RSVP by eVite or to Barbara Lightfoot (lightfoot_barbara_owens@lilly.com) no later than December 13, 2016.  Note: Dinner is available at your own expense.

You're Invited...

2016 AMWA Medical Writing and Communication Conference - Highlights from Denver

If you missed the national meeting in Denver, then you don't want to miss this event!  Speakers will present highlights from their favorite annual conference sessions.

Date: Thursday, November 3rd, 2016

Time: 6 to 8 PM

Location: The Milano Inn, 231 South College Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

RSVP: Barbara Lightfoot, barbara.lightfoot@yahoo.com





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